Play Tennis And Rally
" I want to be able to play with my friends or rally consistently", " its not very nice if i hit it out , i feel paiseh" is one of the reasons people learning tennis say. "Paiseh" is a slang Singaporean's use for meaning a sense of embarrassment or "sorry for that".
Tennis can be a great bonding activity for doubles play and can be exciting to watch.
Some amazing and funny doubles points you can catch a watch here. You would like to have some fun playing doubles which you know you need to get a rally or ball in play. So you've decided to take some lessons to learn tennis fundamentals. Before you get prepared to get on court, have some goals in mind. Easy ones like learning the tennis forehand is a good start of the many strokes.
Its not going to happen overnight so give yourself some time to learn and you might be able to have fun on the tennis court with your friends soon after.